The Real Meaning of the Word Religion.



Religion is an individual's personal relationship with God. It is not a group thing. Catholic, Protestant, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. are processes of religion. They are not a religion per se. Religion isn't something you join and then forsake.We are spirit soul, not matter. Religion is our spiritual personal relationship with God, the Supreme Spirit Soul. It is a spirit to spirit and soul to soul relationship. This is the real meaning of the word "religion." Religion, therefore, is spiritual. A person cannot be religious without also being spiritual, and vice versa. This is not possible.


 In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna, the Supreme Lord states: Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.
These statements from the Supreme Lord Himself demonstrate that diverse forms and methods of religion will not rescue or save you from sin's consequences or suffering. God is the only one who can do that. Joining a religious organization will not immediately qualify you for paradise either.The only path to paradise is love for God, not religion, good actions, large gifts, etc. Heaven is reserved exclusively for lovers of God. Materialistic and selfish individuals have no place in that Kingdom. 

 A relationship with God is a soul-to-soul relationship. It is an intrinsic relationship from within. Thus, when we speak of religion, we should understand that it means a relationship with God, with the Supreme Spirit Soul. A truly religious or spiritual person always maintains such a relationship in whatever circumstance he finds himself. His main goal is to get the kind of love that can only be found in the Supreme Person, who is the most loving of all. 

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